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 1. Science Audio  PTJ's Podcast Discussion for October 2008: Election 2008 Special  Physical Therapy - PTJ 
 2. Science Audio  PTJ's Podcast Discussion for October 2008: Beyond Election 2008: Disability Research Needs in the United States  Physical Therapy - PTJ 
 3. Science Audio  PTJ's Podcast Discussion for May 2008  Physical Therapy 
 4. D Slack Interviews  2008 Election Interview- 11-01-2008 Tabitha Reily   
 5. D Slack Interviews  2008 Election Interview- 11-01-2008 Randy Cheshire   
 6. Mark Cosgrove  October 2008 Watershed Podcast  Watershed Cinema Podcast 
 7. Directorate of Communications  October 2008 First Friday Podcast  Georgia DOD First Friday 
 8. The Herd  Another Goddamned Podcast #34: October 9, 2008  Another Goddamned Podcast 
 9. President George W. Bush  President Bush Attends Graduation Ceremony for Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agents - October 30, 2008  Presidential Speeches & Remarks 
 10. Science Audio  PTJ's Podcast Discussion for November 2008: Fat, Muscle, and the Benefits of Exercise for People With Diabetes  Physical Therapy - PTJ 
 11. Science Audio  PTJ's Podcast Discussion for April 2008: Identifying Future Fallers: It's Not Black & White  Physical Therapy 
 12. Irregular Times  Salvia Divinorum Podcast, October 2008   
 13. Science Signaling  Science Signaling Podcast, 14 October 2008  Science Signaling Podcast 
 14. Science Magazine  Science Podcast, 10 October 2008 Chivian Interview  Science Podcast 
 15. Boundoff.com featuring Kathy Fish and Meghan Kenny  Bound Off Literary Audio Podcast #33 - October 15, 2008  Boundoff.com 
 16. Boundoff.com featuring Kathy Fish and Meghan Kenny  Bound Off Literary Audio Podcast #33 - October 15, 2008  Boundoff.com 
 17. Science Magazine  Science Podcast, 03 October 2008 ScienceNOW segment  Science Podcast 
 18. Science Magazine  Science Podcast, 10 October 2008 Malakoff Interview  Science Podcast 
 19. Science Magazine  Science Podcast, 10 October 2008 Keller and Wittbrodt Interview  Science Podcast 
 20. Lisa Louise Cooke  Family Tree Magazine Podcast October 2008 Episode  The Family Tree Magazine Podcast 
 21. Directions Media  Special Topics Podcast - July 17, 2008  Safe Software and WeoGeo Partner 
 22. Science Audio  PTJ's Podcast Discussion for July 2008: Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Physical Therapy and the Management of Fibromyalgia  Physical Therapy 
 23. Hazardous Waste Clean-Up Information  June 6, 2008: ConSoil 2008 Special Session: Brownfields, Bioenergy and Biofeedstocks   
 24. Hazardous Waste Clean-Up Information  June 5, 2008: ConSoil 2008 Special Session: Green Remediation   
 25. President George W. Bush  President Bush Welcomes Members of the 2008 United States Summer Olympic and Paralympic Teams to the White House - October 7, 2008  Presidential Speeches & Remarks 
 26. Science Audio  PTJ's Podcast Discussion for September 2008: Clinical Level Factors That Affect Quality of Physical Therapy Care of Patients with Low Back Pain: What's the Next Step?  Physical Therapy 
 27. Science Audio  PTJ's Podcast Discussion for June 2008: Assessing outcomes of physical therapy intervention following hip or knee replacement: Should PTs rely on performance-based measures, self-report measures, or b  Physical Therapy 
 28. Pilot Dan, Pilot Kent and Pilot Mike  Pilotcast #066 - Oshkosh Airventure 2008 Podapalooza part 1 - Aviaton Podcast - 2008.08.01  Pilotcast - Aviation Podcast for Pilots, by Pilots 
 29. jody franklin  Election 2008   
 30. Omarey Williams  2008 Political Election  African American Profile 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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